Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The keys being searched are:
Author : Vincent, Charles
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : serially (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Bach, for beginners ; Book 2. 1912
2. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Sarabande in D minor ... 1906
3. Vincent, Charles (ed.)The Forty-eight Fugues for the Wohltemperirte Clavier. By J. S. Bach in score, with proper clefs 1911 149p
4. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Bach for beginners. Book 1. 1911 27p
5. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Fifteen two part inventions. No. 1 in C major / Johann Sebastian Bach 1903 3p
6. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Two part inventions. No. 8 in F major / Johann Sebastian Bach 1903 3p
7. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Petit prelude in C minor: no. 2 of Six short preludes / J. S. Bach. 1900 3p
8. Vincent, Charles (ed.)The Forty-eight Fugues for the Wohltemperirte Clavier. By J. S. Bach in score, with proper clefs 1891 75, 75p
9. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Prelude and fugue [in] C major / J.S. Bach OrgComp(Vincent) 1 1890 iv, 8p
10. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Prelude and fugue [in] E minor / J.S. Bach OrgComp(Vincent) 2 1890 6p
11. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Fantasia and fugue [in] G minor. OrgComp(Vincent) 3 1890 16p
12. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Prelude and fugue [in] D minor / J.S. Bach OrgComp(Vincent) 4 1890 10p
13. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Prelude and fugue [in] A minor / J.S. Bach OrgComp(Vincent) 5 1890 16p
14. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Prelude and fugue [in] E-flat major pro organo pleno / J.S. Bach OrgComp(Vincent) 6 1890 24p
15. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Toccata in F major. OrgComp(Vincent) 7 1890 24p
16. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Toccata and fugue in D minor. OrgComp(Vincent) 8 1890 12p
17. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Fugue in G minor. OrgComp(Vincent) 9 1890 6p
18. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Prelude and fugue [in] F minor / J.S. Bach OrgComp(Vincent) 10 1890 12p
19. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Prelude and fugue [in] G minor. OrgComp(Vincent) 11 1890 12p
20. Vincent, Charles (ed.)Fugue in D minor: 'The Giant'. OrgComp(Vincent) 12 1890 4p

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita